What Can Students Learn From SEL Lesson Plans?

School is an important experience for many kids. At school, kids learn facts about key subjects like science, technology, math, and the fine arts. They are also given the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. However, an intellectual challenge isn't all the growing children will need; kids also need to learn to master their emotions and cooperate with their peers.

Social and emotional learning, sometimes abbreviated SEL, is a key component of well-rounded child development. SEL lesson plans strive to teach integral emotional and social skills to students of all ages. Here are some things that students can learn from SEL lesson plans:

1. Emotional Identification

Everyone has emotions, but the ability to distinguish emotions and be able to identify them is more elusive. When kids don't know how they feel, they may lash out because they are frustrated. SEL lesson plans teach kids emotional identification skills that they can use to understand their emotions and the emotions of those around them. Kids will practice naming their feelings, which is the first step toward developing a more mature emotional control.

2. Empathy

Empathy is important to learn in all social settings. Empathy is the skill that allows people to identify with others' feelings. Some empathy is innate, but kids often need to be encouraged to use their empathy. Lessons in empathy will expand on emotional identification. Kids will be able to learn how to respond to their peers' emotions in helpful, constructive ways. Children who are able to master empathy can be more socially successful. They're also likely to be kinder to those around them because they will understand the emotions of those around them and be more equipped to help.

3. Active Listening

Kids have many opportunities to practice listening throughout the day. Whenever they sit in class, they're treated to lectures by their teachers. However, active listening is a little different. Active listening is a way of listening that indicates that the speaker is being fully heard. Active listeners provide encouragement to speakers by being able to constructively interact with them, such as nodding their heads. SEL lesson plans can teach kids to be better listeners using active listening skills.

4. Decision-Making Skills

Making decisions is part of everyday life. When kids grow up, they'll have to make consequential decisions, like whether or not to attend college and which jobs to take. While most kids won't face choices of this magnitude for several years, they can still practice making big decisions in the meantime. Even kids need to make choices like how to use their time in constructive ways. SEL lesson plans can teach kids to make responsible choices that balance their long-term well-being, responsibilities, and desires.
